White cabinets are a very popular choice and for kitchen cabinets and for a good reason. However, before you settle on color or pattern, there are some things to consider. We've listed below 5 Pros and Cons to help your decision-making process.


5 White Cabinet Pros

Looks clean and crisp

One primary benefit of white kitchen cabinets lies in their simplicity. You'll get a clean and crisp look that modernizes your space. White cabinets aren't a controversial option, but they give you a bright white canvas to make a statement with other appliances and surfaces.

Stands the test of time

Thanks to their uncontroversial reputation, white kitchen cabinets stand the test of time. While other kitchen trends often swing periodically in and out of fashion, white cabinets have long been a staple for a modern kitchen space.

Increases resale value

By choosing a timeless cabinet color, you'll increase the resale value of your home. If you're renovating, then it's the smart decision to make. Equally, if you're mindful that you might be selling your home in the not too distant future, you can lock in value with white cabinets.

Opens up space

One of the main reasons that white cabinets increase resale value lies in their ability to reflect light and make your kitchen feel spacious and open. With natural light streaming in and bouncing off your white cabinets, you'll create a great welcoming environment to work and socialize in.

Stains easily identified

In terms of hygiene, white cabinets make stains and dirt easy to identify and clean. Stains on darker surfaces are often overlooked and can cause your kitchen to become dirty without you knowing. With white cabinets, you won't have that problem, and you'll be able to keep on top of cleaning and sanitation.


5 White Cabinet Cons

Shows dirt

On the downside, you are likely to spend more time cleaning simply because dirt and stains show up readily. Keeping your kitchen clean and tidy is a good look, and white surfaces certainly extenuate any discoloring.

Readily shows wear and tear.

In addition to dirt, white cabinets will also show unwanted wear and tear. Compared to other designs and colors, white cabinets will highlight any dents, scratches, or marks that come with working in a kitchen.

Can feel cold and sanitary

There's a fine line between clean and crisp and cold, and sanitary. Make sure you don't end up picking a shade that tips your kitchen to the wrong side of this line. White cabinets come in many shades, so make sure you choose one that's warm enough and won't make your kitchen feel like a doctor's office.

Difficult to match

Because white cabinets offer a neutral space, it can sometimes be challenging to make them work in harmony with a kitchen's colorful features. Be mindful that your eye will be drawn to anything that isn't white, so be intentional with the color and placement of appliances.

Glare from overhead lights

As previously mentioned, white cabinets are great for reflecting light, but this is another balance that you need to strike. Overhead lights can produce a glare on some surfaces, which isn't pleasant while you are trying to work. Make sure your lighting works with your cabinets, so you don't blind yourself while chopping veggies!


Clearly, there are a few things to be mindful of when making the decision to use white cabinets in your kitchen. White is a great way to create a beautiful and spacious space. Just make sure you strike a balance, so it still feels right.